Ismael Vargas

Ismael was diagnosed with Pre B cell ALL, Leukemia. Ismael was in remission within about in the first month. We began to see signs of improvement but he still had to undergo the full treatment to be safe. It has was very up and down at the beginning because it was very different and difficult for him, and our Family. Diagnosis day is one of the days we never imagined would happen to us.

Receiving the bad news, then wondering what are we gonna do, and how is this gonna effect and change things? But my wife and I did the best we could and we knew we would get our baby through this! It would be difficult but at least we are together and that’s what has kept our family in good spirits! Overall he has continued to be his goofy, loving, caring self! Ismael loves Spiderman and spending time with his family! We do what we can to help keep him happy and healthy!

Ismael will be starting the second half of the delayed intensification phase, when his counts are appropriate. Then he will have another phase which is about a month or two long, then he will be in maintenance phase for a year.

May God bless each and every single one of you who contributes and helps families like mine going through these though times! Thank you!

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