Lucas Kromminga

Lucas was born on October 6th, 2021 in Overland Park, Kansas. Lucas was born with Down Syndrome but has not let that become something that holds him back. Lucas is such a happy boy with a smile on his face at most times, loves to walk, Sesame Street and dancing to music.

On February 23rd, Lucas went to the doctor. He had a low platelet count, a bloated stomach and was not active. It was later determined that evening that Lucas has Leukemia.

He was then transported to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. On that following Monday when sedating him in order to place his port for chemo, Lucas began to have breathing issues. He then had a breathing tube placed and we have been in the PICU since. We hope to have the breathing tube out by the end of this week (March 15th). Lucas is making good progress with his treatments and has become quite the fighter!

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