Azel Bryant

Azel, meaning noble or distinguished, was diagnosed on March 11th, 2023 with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He is nothing less than noble or distinguished. This 4 year old little boy has unwavering determination and is resilient. He has inspired men and women well beyond his 4 years and encouraged, strengthened, and inspired many.

Azel enjoys playing Star Wars and watching his fish Budgie! Azel is a joyful child that is not bound to this disease but has used an unfortunate circumstance to bring laughter and love to those he encounters. It’s a reminder of the innocence that cancer could not steal. Each milestone, no matter how small, became a victory to celebrate.

Azel is in remission and in his last phase of chemo treatment. His “End of Treatment Date” is August 8th, 2025.

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